For the last 15 years, he has led multicultural and multidisciplinary teams in companies that have experienced double-digit growth, creating innovative growth strategies that align and encourage the commitment of employees, customers and consumers. As an example of this growth, Asics has gone from being the 18th sports brand in Spain to the 3rd.
He is passionate about the world of sports and is convinced that a better world is possible by combining technology, sports and well-being. He believes that a large part of future innovations will come from OPEN INNOVATION, for them they have created a collaboration program with Startups Tenkan-ten by ASICS where they want to be the bridge between a large corporation in the sports sector such as ASICS and the Start-ups that aspire to improve the quality of life of its users, seeking joint growth.

The keys to effective collaboration
We are in a very changing world, the ecosystem is very dynamic and two very important actors are StartUps and Corporations.
Although the two need each other, they speak very different languages and that suggests that the StartUp - Corporation collaboration cannot work.
But if it can work and it can be a help for Startups that can benefit from it, but also for Corporations that if they do not learn to do an effective collaboration they will not survive, but it is also important for investors, since this collaboration can increase your investment faster.
In this session we are going to see the most important keys for effective collaboration.
